- How will Mr Sarkozy respond? 萨科齐总统将会如何回应?
- How will Mr Andrews get on without a housekeeper? 安德鲁斯没有管家怎么能行呢?
- The more intriguing question is how far Mr Sarkozy will follow up his leftish-sounding rhetoric with concrete policies. 与萨科奇先生左倾的华丽调子相比,更让人好奇的是他会有多少实质性政策。
- How much will Mr Rasmus have to spend? 拉姆先生需要化多少钱?
- How will you pass your Christmas holiday? 你打算怎样度过圣诞假日?
- How will you go about building a boat? 你是怎样着手建一艘船的呢?
- How will the new law hit the unemployed? 新颁布的法令将使失业者遭受什麽样的打击?
- Mr Sarkozy has stood solidly by Ms Dati throughout. 时刻有着达蒂女士在身边,萨科齐的总统地位坚实多了。
- How will the New Orleans Hornets respond to increased expectations? 如何将新奥尔良黄蜂应付增加的期望吗?
- How will we respond to the next tempting non-free library? 我们将如何响应下一个诱惑人的非自由库呢?
- Mr Sarkozy has told him nothing should be taboo. 萨克齐总统告诉他,一切都要从宽对待。
- So what can Mr Sarkozy do differently? 这么说来,萨尔科奇先生能有什么不同的作为吗?
- So why does Mr Sarkozy pursue this strategy? 那么萨尔科奇为何采取这种方式呢?
- Mr Sarkozy's gripes take two forms. 萨科奇先生的抱怨主要是两个方面。
- It may be so in theory, but how will it work in practice? 理论上也许是如此,但是在实际上怎样才能行得通呢?
- Will Mr and Mrs Pitt be there? Yes, they will. 皮特先生和夫人将在那里吗?
- Will Mr Obama's rousing oratory bear fruit? 奥巴马振奋人心的演说会取得成果么?
- Nor will Mr Aimard be confined to a backstage role. 音乐节为期两天,以初次上演的埃兹拉.;庞德组诗“与天堂交谈”为核心。
- Will Mr Lampert similarly have the last laugh? 难道拉姆伯特会成为笑到最后的人?
- Mr Sarkozy's London trip, though, carried a wider symbolism. 萨尔科奇此次伦敦之行,或多或少,象征意义更浓。